Author's Note : Hello all. This is a very quick
piece I just wrote in Law Class. Ever notice how everything Jade
and I write is in Law class? Scary, ne? That's what makes Law
tolerable. Anyway, this fic contains death and sap. Yaoi, no sex,
just shonen ai. Carries a heavy kleenex warning. Enjoy.
Written by Anikka
*It's so cold in here.*
Quatre grasped the limp, calloused hand tightly within his own, pressing it to his cheek. The skin had become so pale and thin, showing the azure blue veins underneath.
*It hurts ... it hurts so much ...*
The erratic beeping of the machines drowned out the gentle blonde's quiet sobbing. He had not left the other's bedside in nearly thirty six hours. Not to eat, not to sleep, not for anything. Not since the disease had struck it's violent, final blow, crippling the other boy.
*I can't see you ...*
"Quatre ..."
The voice was frantic, pleading for the Arabian's help.
"Quatre, it's so dark in here ... I can't see you ..."
Tears came freely from blank eyes. They were so glazed over. Lifeless even. Destroyed by the cancer.
"Shh ..." Quatre used his free hand to smooth the sweaty hair out of the other's face. "You're okay ... I'm right here."
"I can't see you Quatre!" he screamed again, strikingly terrifying.
Quatre had to look away for a moment as his love spasmed in vicious pain on the hospital bed. He screamed once more, and then fell silent ; unmoving. The blonde gripped the other's hand even tighter than before, not even trying to hold back his tears.
"... do you ... do you know that I love you Quatre ... I ... love you ... I want to see you ..."
The hand quatre clutched became suddenly limp. He panicked, feeling a hard lump forming in his throat, and shook his lover gently.
"Please don't leave me."
The heart monitor let out a final high pitched wail. Quatre leapt out of his chair, sending it flying across the room. He gripped the side of the bed, screaming and crying. Glacning down at the still form of his love, he carressed the side of that perfect face, cradled in in his hand. His pain was over ; he was free.
"Heero ..." he breathed softly,
letrting tears splash down onto the other pilot's face, "I
can see you Heero ... and I love you. I love you."
*sniff* Waahhh, I killed Heero!!! What do you think?. C&C are always welcome. I want to know if I'm doing a good job.