Quatre leaned his head against the window and watched as the country side flew by. Even though he didn't want to fall asleep, the clacking of wheels on rails continued to lull him.
His hand reached up, and he couched the scar that was under his eye. It was the only reminder he had. The only reminder of his love, and his hate. Thinking back, he almost wished that he could forget. . .
"No! Please Don't!" Quatre screamed and writhed beneath his attacker. His eyes were swollen with tears and bruises. Small nicks and cuts covered his battered, fragile body.
"Why don't you make me?" Sneered his attacker. As Quatre continued to shed tears of sorrow and pain, he felt a sharp blow to his face and warm blood seep out of a new, deep cut. "You can't stop me, can you? Gods! You are so weak it disgusts me!"
"Leave him alone! Don't hurt him!" Duo yelled from across the room. The braided pilot twisted around angrily, trying to escape from the ropes that bound him. He too was similarly battered. "Damn it, Wufei! Let him go!"
Wufei rose from his position on Quatre and approached a seething Duo. "'Let him go'? Why should I do that?"
"Because he doesn't belong to you!" Duo's eyes flashed with anger ans tears of frustration. He watched as Wufei took his sword and placed it against his throat. The sharp edge slid across his neck and drew blood.
"That's where you're wrong." Wufei hissed in Duo's ear. "I do own him, and I'm not going to let you take what's mine."
Aw Wufei began to move, Quatre realized the Chinese pilots' intentions and shouted a protest. He wanted to go to his love, but . . . he couldn't. All he could do was yell. "Duo!"
The sword moved again, and cut deeply into Duo's neck. Quatre sobbed as he saw Duo's eyes roll back, and his head roll forward lifelessly.
"Now you see how weak you are? You can't even get up to go to your whore!" The last word was spit out with such hate and loathing. "But now I have you all to myself. You can't live without me. . . I need to be strong for you."
Wufei grabbed Quatres' chin roughly and stared into his blue eyes. "I will always love you, and you will love me, and not anyone else."
Quatre closed his eyes and prayed for strength. As he prayed, tears escaped his eyes as he was violated again, and again. "Now do you see how much you love me?"
After gathering the last of his strength, Quatre threw himself to where Duo's gun lay, discarded. Picking it and himself up, he shakingly pointed the weapon at Wufei. "You're not strong enough to use that," Wufei sneered, striding towards the Arabian.
Nothing happened.
Wufei threw back his head and laughed. "I told you that you couldn't kill me."
Quatre's blue eyes narrowed as he remembered the abuse that he had suffered at Wufei's hands. He remembered believing that was all there was to love. But then Duo rescued him from that darkness and he had been saved. But this monster had taken that love away from him.
And for the first time in his entire existence, Quatre willed for the death of another, for the death of his lover.
Authors Notes: Nooo! I bastardized Wufei, and I killed Duo. How could I? Oh well, at least it made a sad story, right? I am actually pleased with this, and I hope that everyone else likes it too. Questions, comments, suggestions? Send them to me (I want to hear them)!
Disclaimers: I don't own Quatre, or Duo ,or any of the other Gundam Boys (although I'd like to). I don't own the Gundam Universe or any of it's affiliates. I'm just an author who is borrowing Shin Kidousenki's ideas. Thank you Shin!