Glenn is feeling sad and need to feel loved . . .
Ever wonder how Glenn got those scars . . . ?
Together Again
A songfic about Lucrecias spirit comforting Vincent
Churning Reflections
A short fic on my thoughts as to what is going through Amiboshi's head before he falls into the water
Blanket Scenario Fanfic Cookie Fluff ^_^ I Don't Want To Cry I Will Always Love You Nataku Shinigami The Perfect Soldier
A cute Shonen-ai fic about Heero and Duo getting snowed in. And no, it isn't yaoi (sorry)
A cute fic about what Heero does when Duo bakes some cookies WARNING: Shonen-ai
Kleenex Warning: Fic contains death/suicide, and shonen-ai/lime
A sad fic about jealousy and love between three individuals
The first installment in a series of fics dipicting the reasons why each pilot is fighting
The second installment of the series where Duo is reflecting on why he's the God of Death
The third installment of the series where Heero Yuy reflects on why he's the perfect soldier